产品编号 | 产品ID | 储存地址 | 容量大小 |
A2000 | 611900 | 百度网盘 | 1.5GB |
扎克档案英文原版有声书The Zack Files 30册MP3
1.Zack Files 01: My Great-grandpa’s in the Litter Box
2.Zack Files 03: A Ghost Named Wanda
3.Zack Files 02: Through the Medicine Cabinet
4.Zack Files 04: Zap! I’m a Mind Reader
5.Zack Files 05: Dr. Jekyll, Orthodontist
6.Zack Files 06: I’m out of My Body…Please Leave a Message
7.Zack Files 07: Never Trust a Cat Who Wears Earrings
8.Zack Files 08: My Son, the Time Traveler
9.Zack Files 09: The Volcano Goddess Will See You Now
10.Zack Files 10: Bozo the Clone
11.Zack Files 11: How to Speak to Dolphins in Three Easy Lessons
12.Zack Files 12: Now You See Me….Now You Don’t
13.Zack Files 13: The Misfortune Cookie
14.Zack Files 14: Elvis, the Turnip, and Me
15.Zack Files 15: Hang a Left at Venus
16.Zack Files 16: Evil Queen Tut and the Great Ant Pyramids
17.Zack Files 17: Yikes! Grandma’s a Teenager
18.Zack Files 18: How I Fixed the Year 1000 Problem
19.Zack Files 19: The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot
20.Zack Files 20: How I Went from Bad to Verse
21.Zack Files 21: Don’t Count on Dracula
22.Zack Files 22: This Body’s Not Big Enough for Both of U
23.Zack Files 23: Greenish Eggs and Dinosaurs
24.Zack Files 24: My Grandma, Major League Slugger
25.Zack Files 25: Trapped in the Museum of Unnatural History
26.Zack Files 26: Me and My Mummy
27.Zack Files 28: Tell a Lie and Your Butt Will Grow
28.Zack Files 27: My Teacher Ate My Homework
29.Zack Files 29: Just Add Water and….Scream!
30.Zack Files 30: It’s Itchcraft!: SuperSpecia
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